Feedback from test shoot
October 09, 2017
We showed our class the test shoot, and they made the following points:
- The police processing cutaways don't fit with the genre and feel of the song
- to fix this, we are taking out the police processing elements in favour of something more conceptual that may relate to sirens (eg. water)
- The band looks good together
- we'll keep the cast and costumes as they are because they fit well
- There aren't enough cutaways
- we'll add more of the conceptual clips into it and make them longer 'sprinkle them throughout'
- There wasn't enough variation in shots of the band
- mainly due to time constraints for the test shoot, we couldn't get as many shots as we wanted, so in the real thing we'll get lots of shots of each band member eg. close ups of the hands, drum cymbals etc.