Prelim editing

October 18, 2016

To edit our preliminary task, we used Adobe Premier Pro again, as used in the previous editing session.

Matt taught us how to separate audio from the video, and to layer it so that it fit with the scene, and you couldn't directly see the person speaking. We tried to make Ollie the focus of the scene by layering Kate's voice on top of shots of him, to give the effect that he's the subject. We also put the shot of him looking at Kate leaving at the end to signify that fact. We used a number of close-ups to get a more personal feel as you can clearly see the actors' expressions.

I really enjoyed doing this task, but I found it difficult to make each shot fit together well, as some of them had continuity errors. I also found that there was not enough space in-between each line, so some of the cuts are slightly jumpy, and don't quite flow unnoticeably. Overall, I think we were successful because we got the story across. Next time, I would be tighter on continuity as we found that in some edits, the door shut twice in the background, which didn't look or sound right.

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